GeekWithLaptop | Now A Part Of NetBookNews is now a part of the network from 2020.


Our goal is to be the #1 online hub for every kind of portable computer user. More than just listing what new models are available from any given brand, we’re here to arm you with the knowledge required to thrive in an increasingly mobile-focused world.

The content has been archived here on this site in order to preserve the blog.


Founded in 2009, is passionate about life and therefore about technology, we aim to keep bang up to date with all that’s worth talking about such as the latest in computer technology, new and exciting gadgets and gizmos, useful and sometimes not so useful electronic devices and even other things that are just plain cool, pleasantly bizarre or downright odd and therefore merit a mention.

Notable mention includes:

SRG Clean Archives

A WordPress plugin is designed to display your archive listings in a clean and uniform fashion that’s Search Engine friendly on a dedicated page or in your sidebar.

Desk Mess WordPress Theme

A WordPress Theme: Casual work-desk theme for a new and different blogging experience with a fixed width, two columns, xHTML valid. Widget Support, Gravatar Support

Over its lifespan, many helpful articles were created and are actively maintained by the Netbooknews team.

A selection of the more popular articles can be found below:

Want to know more about NetBookNews.Com?

Our primary focus is always on providing high quality, meticulously researched articles filled to the brim with helpful tips and hints for everyday people of any knowledge level.

We spend our days searching for new ways to assist readers in finding the most critical info you need quickly, concisely, and without drowning you in jargon.

At NetBook News, you’ll discover:

  1. How to decide between different kinds of laptops, netbooks, tablets, Chromebooks, and ultrabooks
  2. We even have curated posts on laptops for specific needs: gaming laptop, business laptop, college laptop...
  3. Info on the most useful mobile apps and cloud storage solutions currently available
  4. Thorough reviews of the latest tablets and peripherals on the market
  5. Comprehensive lists of the absolute best MIDs and ultrabooks in every category
  6. …and much, much more!

You can read more about us and meet our team here.